Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Google Penguin Updates – An Update

                The change that Google have made to make the web search experience more user-friendly has everyone clamoring for new tactics and strategies in SEO.  Although the algorithms are top-secret and has everyone guessing which sites will fall off the ranks- one thing is for sure, the old aggressive strategies are out the window and black hat SEO is not even worth mentioning.
                The latest Penguin Update dubbed as Penguin 2.0 was released on May 22, 2013 and is supposed to be a major update compared to the third and the fourth releases.  This had SEOs and webmasters bracing for what’s coming as Google has always been vague regarding what really is in store.   All they had to say was that this time the new “Spam Fighting” Penguin goes deeper than the original version.
After the scheduled release, the SERP weather stations had their statistics and numbers analysed the impact on the queries were not as major as expected.  However, there is a notable jolt on the ranks for gaming and porn sites- an indication that the updates are doing the job they are meant to do. 
Over-all, Google is doing its best to be true to their promise of getting their search engines to return with results that actually matter to their users.  As for SEOs and Webmasters, the main idea to minimize the Penguin impact is steer clear of the following:
·         Web- spamming
·         Link bombing
·         Keyword Stuffing
·         Over optimization
The key to survival is to focus on building on the trust and authority of your sites and if you have been penalized, do the major clean-up, submit a re-inclusion request or as a last resort use the Google Disavow tool.

For professional SEO services that guarantee transparent and Penguin-friendly optimization, visit this site.